Geology Multi-File

Geology Multi-Files: Unlike the .geo file format, the .gmf format is not based on boring observations with common x,y coordinates. The multi-file format allows for description of individual geologic surfaces by defining a set of x,y,z coordinates (separated by spaces, tabs, and/or commas). Geologic hierarchy still applies for definition of complex geologic structures.

This file format allows for creation of geologic models when the data available for the top surface and one or more of the subsurface layers are uncorrelated (in number or x,y location). For example, a gmf file may contain 1000 x,y,z measurements for the ground surface, but only 12 x,y,z measurements for other lithologic surfaces. This format also allows for specification of the geologic material color (layer material number).

You SHOULD include the units of your coordinates (e.g. feet or meters). If this is included it must be on a line following the word units.

Note: there are no special flags (e.g. short, pinch, etc.) used in GMF files. Since each surface stands on its own (does not refer to a prior surface) pinched-out layers are accomplished by duplicating the elevations (x,y,z points) on two consecutive surfaces. The "short" flags are not needed since those points are merely excluded from a surface's definition.

The name for a surface can be a date or date & time if the data represents surface points at different times (e.g. changing groundwater elevations.  The date format is dependent on your REGIONAL SETTINGS on your computer (control panel).  

C Tech uses the SHORT DATE and SHORT TIME formats.  

If the date/time works in Excel it will likely work in EVS.

For most people in the U.S., this would not be 24 hour clock so you would need:

"m/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM"  or "m/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss PM"

Also, you MUST put the date/time in quotes if you use more than just date (i.e. if there are spaces in the total date/time).

Format: The following is a geology multi-file which is included with EVS. This file begins with the line starting with a "#".


# Lines beginning with a "#" character are comments.

# Each geologic surface begins with a line: surface x

# The number after surface is the layer material color number.

# Each surface can have different x,y coords and number of points

units ft

surface 2 Top

11086.5 12830.7 4.5

11199.0 12810.2 4

# Comment lines can be placed anywhere in a multi-file

11259.7 12819.3 2

11298.0 12808.6 3

11414.4 12781.1 2

11427.0 12780.9 6.5

11496.3 12753.6 1.5

11209.4 12993.9 2

11251.3 12929.3 2

11248.8 12870.9 3

11211.9 12710.8 2

11302.0 13079.7 4.5

11286.8 13026.7 2

11309.0 12949.0 4

11340.5 12892.6 2.5

11338.0 12830.8 4

11393.5 12948.9 3.5

11401.7 12897.8 4

11416.9 12819.5 2.5

11381.7 12747.5 1.5

11410.3 12724.7 0.5

11566.3 12850.6 2.5

11586.3 13050.6 11.5

11086.3 13090.6 8.5

surface 2 Fill

11086.5 12830.7 -3.8

11199.0 12810.2 -5

11259.7 12819.3 -7.5

11298.0 12808.6 -6

11414.4 12781.1 -6

11427.0 12780.9 -7

11496.3 12753.6 -7.5

11209.4 12993.9 -3

11251.3 12929.3 -2.5

11248.8 12870.9 -3.5

11211.9 12710.8 -6.5

11302.0 13079.7 -3.5

11286.8 13026.7 -5

11309.0 12949.0 -2.5

11340.5 12892.6 -2.5

11338.0 12830.8 -8.8

11393.5 12948.9 -3.8

11401.7 12897.8 -2

11416.9 12819.5 -5

11381.7 12747.5 -4

11410.3 12724.7 -4.5

11566.3 12850.6 -5

11586.3 13050.6 1

11086.3 13090.6 -1

surface 1 Silt

11086.5 12830.7 -21

11199.0 12810.2 -20

11259.7 12819.3 -20.5

11298.0 12808.6 -19

11414.4 12781.1 -20.5

11427.0 12780.9 -23

11496.3 12753.6 -20

11209.4 12993.9 -23

11251.3 12929.3 -22

11248.8 12870.9 -22

11211.9 12710.8 -22.5

11302.0 13079.7 -21.9

11286.8 13026.7 -23

11309.0 12949.0 -22

11340.5 12892.6 -20

11338.0 12830.8 -23

11393.5 12948.9 -23

11401.7 12897.8 -22

11416.9 12819.5 -21

11381.7 12747.5 -21.5

11410.3 12724.7 -22.9

11566.3 12850.6 -21

11586.3 13050.6 -11

11086.3 13090.6 -14

surface 3 Clay

11086.5 12830.7 -26

11199.0 12810.2 -25

11259.7 12819.3 -27

11298.0 12808.6 -25.8

11414.4 12781.1 -28

11427.0 12780.9 -28.5

11496.3 12753.6 -28.8

11209.4 12993.9 -27.5

11251.3 12929.3 -28

11248.8 12870.9 -28.5

11211.9 12710.8 -27.5

11302.0 13079.7 -26

11286.8 13026.7 -29

11309.0 12949.0 -28.3

11340.5 12892.6 -23

11338.0 12830.8 -26.5

11393.5 12948.9 -27

11401.7 12897.8 -27.5

11416.9 12819.5 -28.5

11381.7 12747.5 -25.8

11410.3 12724.7 -25

11566.3 12850.6 -28.5

11586.3 13050.6 -18.5

11086.3 13090.6 -23.5

surface 5 Gravel

11086.5 12830.7 -42

11199.0 12810.2 -39

11259.7 12819.3 -40

11298.0 12808.6 -41.8

11414.4 12781.1 -42

11427.0 12780.9 -38.5

11496.3 12753.6 -38.8

11209.4 12993.9 -37.5

11251.3 12929.3 -40

11248.8 12870.9 -36.3

11211.9 12710.8 -37.5

11302.0 13079.7 -38

11286.8 13026.7 -37

11309.0 12949.0 -38.3

11340.5 12892.6 -38

11338.0 12830.8 -36.5

11393.5 12948.9 -39

11401.7 12897.8 -37.5

11416.9 12819.5 -38.5

11381.7 12747.5 -42.8

11410.3 12724.7 -36

11566.3 12850.6 -38.5

11586.3 13050.6 -26.5

11086.3 13090.6 -32.5

surface 4 Sand

11086.5 12830.7 -55

11199.0 12810.2 -53

11259.7 12819.3 -53

11298.0 12808.6 -55

11414.4 12781.1 -55

11427.0 12780.9 -51

11496.3 12753.6 -51

11209.4 12993.9 -51

11251.3 12929.3 -53

11248.8 12870.9 -50

11211.9 12710.8 -51

11302.0 13079.7 -51

11286.8 13026.7 -50

11309.0 12949.0 -52

11340.5 12892.6 -52

11338.0 12830.8 -50

11393.5 12948.9 -52

11401.7 12897.8 -51

11416.9 12819.5 -51

11381.7 12747.5 -56

11410.3 12724.7 -49

11566.3 12850.6 -51

11586.3 13050.6 -47

11086.3 13090.6 -48


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