

General Module Function

For subsetting the FileTools module reads .apdv, aidv, or gmf files and creates a simplifies the by first deleting all the lines where the parameter data is -1.00E+09 (missing data). Then it keeps every nth line of the file starting with the first line. This is very useful when you have an overly large data file that is causing the kriging to choose all points from the same local region.

For refining the File_tools module reads .pgf files and removes duplicate material values on the same boring so that materials are not over defined. If the topmost material in a Boring is not duplicated an additional sample will be added to the boring.

Module Input Ports

No input ports

Module Output Ports

No output ports 

Module Control Panel


The control panel of File Tools is shown above. The Load File button opens a File browser which lists the files that are present in the current directory shown in the directory window. The file name this module creates is dependent on the options selected. If initial_soil_investigation_subsite.apdv and the subset option is chosen, the output file will be initial_soil_investigation_subsite_subset.apdv . If refine is chosen, the file initial_soil_investigation_subsite.pgf will be initial_soil_investigation_subsite_refined.pgf.

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