Iterative Analyses

We could continue selecting each new data file that is created and run as many cycles as we wish. However, we have added the ability to run any number of cycles in a fully automated fashion. Open the Drill Guide settings window and change the value of # of Synthetic Samples to 30.

This will allow us to automatically cycle (read the new data file and run) until thirty new samples have been created appending each new synthetic sample point to the (*.dg) file.

Also, turn on the Target Concentration at subsetting level and change the target subsetting level 0.1. What this does is focus the optimization of sample location selection towards the goal of refining the extent of the 0.1 mg/kg VOC plume. The units are mg/kg since we are dealing with soil contamination data. The value is input in normal units even if you have the Log Processing option selected.


Since the Viewer will update during each cycle, let's select Uncertainty in the Display Settings window so we can see how the Uncertainty distribution changes over time. Remember that during each cycle, the scale will reset to reflect red areas as the current maximum uncertainty value.



Now, click on Accept All Current Values again.

DrillGuide© will run for a few minutes and you should see your Viewer update with each new cycle. Messages will be printed to the console during each cycle, and when it is done you should see:


Note that in this figure some of the areas of the site are solid red and yellow. These solid regions of constant uncertainty are caused by modifications in the uncertainty algorithm that treat areas where there is high confidence that the concentration is much higher or lower than our target concentration (0.1 mg/kg for this example). In other words, areas where the concentration is much higher or lower than 0.1 are not treated preferentially. This results in the large areas of constant color.

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