

General Module Function

The cell to node module is used to translate cell data components to nodal data components. Cell data components are data components which are associated with cells rather than nodes. Nearly all modules in EVS currently support only node based data. Therefore, cell to node can be used to translate cell based data to a nodal data structure consistent with other EVS modules.

Module Input Ports

Cell to node has only one input port which accepts an unstructured mesh with cell based data. There can be several data components, either vector or scalar, in the cell based data field.

Module Output Ports

Cell to node has two output ports. The first port (closest to the left) outputs a reference to a merged object that contains the new nodal data, plus the existing unstructured mesh and cell based data.

Module Control Panel

The control panel for cell to node is shown in the figure above. The slider is used to set the order of the interpolation algorithm. The default is 0 which stipulates a simple averaging of all adjoining cells. For values of 1 to the maximum of 32, a distance weighting function is used. Radio buttons are used to select which cell based data component is to be interpolated to the nodes.

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