

This is a deprecated modulereplaced by select_data.

General Module Function

The extract scalar module extracts scalar nodal data components from a field's scalar and/or vector data components. If the input to extract scalar contains only scalar data, then the scalar data will be passed through for the data component selected. When only scalar data is present in the input, it is always preferable to use the extract_component module. Extract_scalar will cause a redetermination of the input data limits. This is usually not desirable. This module is used to select one scalar data component to be passed downstream in a network.

Module Input Ports

Extract scalar has only one input port which accepts mesh and nodal data. The mesh data in the input passes through extract scalar unaffected.

Module Output Ports

Extract scalar has two output ports. The first port (closest to the left) outputs scalar nodal data for the data component specified. Again, the mesh data (the coordinates of the mesh cells and vertices) are contained in the output. The second port (red) is a renderable object if the input is faces or lines (not volumetric elements). The rendered object from the second port will be colored by the scalar data component selected in Extract_Scalar.


Module Control Panel

The control panel for extract scalar is shown in the figure above. The slider for vector component is used to identify which component of the data vector is to be extracted. The data component radio button list contains all of the data components piped into the input port. If a data component is a scalar (i.e., contains only one scalar value), the vector component slider will not allow the user to pick any value other than zero. Nodal data supplied to the output port consists of the nodal data for the selected data component only.

If the data component is a vector (i.e., it contains more than one data component), the slider will allow the user to pick any value from 0 to the ith data component; where i=number of vector components minus 1. For example, with a 3 component vector (such as ground water velocity) [Vx, Vy , Vz ]; Vx would be the 0th component, Vy the first component and Vz the second component. If the nodal data for Vx was selected for output, the data would consist of the scalar values of Vx.

Related Modules


 -> combine_vect

 -> extract_component

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