

General Module Function

The combine vect (combine vector) module is used to create an n-length vector by combining n selected scalar data components. The vector length is determined by the veclen slider.

Module Input Ports

Combine vect has only one input port. The input field must contain nodal data components of which at least two must be scalar data components.

Module Output Ports

Combine vect has two output ports. The first output port (closest to the left) outputs a new nodal data component which is an n-length vector. If a mesh was present in the input field, it is preserved in the output. The second output port is undocumented at this time.


Module Control Panel

The control panel for combine vect is shown in the figure above. The veclen slider is used to specify the number of vector components to incorporate into the vector. Check boxes are used to specify which of the data components are to be included in the vector. Once the veclen number of components has been selected, the other data components are grayed out and not selectable. To change selections. first deselect one of the vector components and then select a new component. If no components are selected, then all components are selectable. The order in which the components are selected will determine in which order they occur in the vector.

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