

This is a deprecated module that has been supplanted byLoad_EVS_Field

General Module Function

The Read Field module is used to read EVS field files, which generally have a .fld filename extension. An EVS field file contains structured cell geometries with implied connectivity and nodal or cell based data components. The cell geometries generally consist of rectilinear cells similar to a finite-difference grid. Field files are not currently created within EVS. The field file format is discussed in the section below called Field File Formats Because modules in the current version of EVS use UCD data types, the Read_Field module is not utilized often.

Module Input Ports

The Read Field module is shown above. Read Field has no input ports. It obtains the Field input data by reading a file with a file browser.

Module Output Ports

Read Field has two output ports. The first port (closest to the left) passes the mesh and data components to other modules which accept Field data types. Data passed from Read Field is usually sent to modules in the Subsetting and Processing Libraries. The second port is used to send Field file data directly to the viewer for rendering.


Module Control Panel

The user interface for Read Field consists of two toggles and a file browser shown above. The Portable XDR toggle (checked by default) specifies whether the data is in the machine-dependent XCR format. With this parameter enabled, and when binary data is being read in, the machine assumes that the data is in XDR format. Note that these types of fields are not created by EVS, but may be available through outside sources and are thus accommodated by this option. The Flip Image toggle specifies whether image data is inverted before it is output. Image data could be expressed as a field and is typically described with the upper-left corner as the starting point. As a result, when it is read in as field data, the image may appear flipped vertically. The default is "ON" which usually interprets EVS fields properly.

The file browser is used for selecting the Field file (Field files have a .fld extension). The default directory path is the \EVS\DATA\FIELD. Double clicking on a filename or selecting a file name and choosing OK reads the selected Field file into memory and closes the file browser. After a Field file has been read into memory, the mesh and data components are passed to any downstream modules in the network

Field File Formats

This is a description and some examples for the EVS field data format. The field format can be binary or ASCII files. These examples are in ASCII format. The standard field format is more memory efficient then the UCD format, but does not allow exploding geologic layers for visualization purposes. Otherwise it is probably better for Finite Difference code output.

Note: in EVS, coordinates apply to nodes (versus cells). If you write out the coordinates of cell centers (such as with block-centered flow data: MODFLOW), EVS will visualize these as nodes at the corners of hexahedral volume cells. To be most correct, MODFLOW models should be output with one extra node in all three axes. However, the compromise is generally acceptable. Note that the Groundwater Vistas Pre-Processor creates the 'correct nodal' corners of the s mesh and outputs a .fld and .dat file which can be read directly into EVS.

Generally, the .fld file describes the structure(s) of the data file(s) to be read and also describes how to read them. For example, if you want EVS to read a .dat file with coordinates you specify a combination of skip, offset and stride to read the x, y, then z values in the .fld file. Simply put, 'skip' specifies the number of lines to skip before reading data; 'offset' specifies which value in the line to read (e.g. offset of '0' means read 1st value, offset of '1' means read second value, etc.); 'stride' specifies how many values to jump before starting to gather data again (e.g. for a file with x,y,z coords. the stride would be 3....if there is x,y,z and value the stride would be 4.

The files below are for reading a file which contains only coordinates AND a file which contains only data values. This is quite powerful in that you may generate only one coordinate file, then keep changing/adding new data files. A simpler yet less robust example would involve one .dat file which contains the coords AND the data component(s) in one file. The two .fld files are to show that you may have multiple components....note that three of the components are velocity vector.

File list and descriptions:

mt3d_smp.fld Simple field header file to read only one data component (head). This file defines the files that contain coordinate data and nodal parameter data. In other words, this tells EVS how to read the data file.

The text below is from the file: mt3d_smp.fld

# AVS FIELD the string "# AVS/Express" must be the first five

# characters in the file.

ndim=3 # REQUIRED - the number of dimensions

dim1= 51 # REQUIRED - dimension of axis 1

dim2= 31 # REQUIRED - dimension of axis 2

dim3= 8 # REQUIRED - dimension of axis 3

nspace=3 # REQUIRED - coordinates per point

veclen=1 # REQUIRED - components at each point

data=float # REQUIRED - data type

field=irregular # REQUIRED - field type

label=head # OPTIONAL - label for variable 1

unit=feet # OPTIONAL - unit label for variable 1


# For each value in the vector: data reading instructions


variable 1 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 1 stride = 13


# For each coordinate X, Y, and Z: data reading instructions


coord 1 file =mt3d_smp.crd filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 1 stride = 4

coord 2 file =mt3d_smp.crd filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 2 stride = 4

coord 3 file =mt3d_smp.crd filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 3 stride = 4


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Note: Any characters following (and including) # in a header line are ignored.


mt3d_all.fld Simple field header file to read all 12 data components (last 3 are vel. vector). This file defines the files that contain coordinate data and nodal parameter data.

The text below is from the file: mt3d_all.fld



dim1= 51

dim2= 31

dim3= 8





label=head drawdown thickness Geolayer Elevation Conductivity Storage Concentration Change_in_Conc Velocity_x Velocity_y Velocity_z

unit=feet feet feet number feet feet/day 1/feet mg/kg mg/kg feet/day feet/day feet/day

variable 1 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 1 stride = 13

variable 2 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 2 stride = 13

variable 3 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 3 stride = 13

variable 4 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 4 stride = 13

variable 5 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 5 stride = 13

variable 6 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 6 stride = 13

variable 7 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 7 stride = 13

variable 8 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 8 stride = 13

variable 9 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 9 stride = 13

variable 10 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 10 stride = 13

variable 11 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 11 stride = 13

variable 12 file =mt3d_smp.dat filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 12 stride = 13

coord 1 file =mt3d_smp.crd filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 1 stride = 4

coord 2 file =mt3d_smp.crd filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 2 stride = 4

coord 3 file =mt3d_smp.crd filetype=ascii skip= 0 offset = 3 stride = 4


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mt3d_smp.crd Field coordinate data file (first column (node number) is not needed so offset = 1, 2, or 3) Coordinates can/should be in user's original coordinate system. If model was rotated (to be run finite difference) and/or translated, it should be put back in real coordinates. This allows for incorporating simulation data with measured data results and incorporating CAD drawings drawn in real coordinates. In this example, the first column is the node number and is not needed in the file (so we offset to skip over it during reading).

Note: numerous lines were dropped from this example.

The text below is from the file: mt3d_smp.crd

1 9625.112 10786.380 6.275

2 9714.992 10742.550 6.367

3 9804.871 10698.710 6.581

4 9894.751 10654.870 6.939

5 9984.630 10611.030 7.581

6 10074.510 10567.200 8.159

7 10164.390 10523.360 8.808

8 10254.270 10479.520 9.420

9 10344.150 10435.690 9.922

10 10434.030 10391.850 10.080





12640 12084.940 6248.842 -36.863

12641 12174.820 6205.005 -36.843

12642 12264.690 6161.168 -36.822

12643 12354.570 6117.331 -36.803

12644 12444.450 6073.494 -36.562

12645 12534.330 6029.657 -36.317

12646 12624.210 5985.820 -37.157

12647 12714.090 5941.983 -38.017

12648 12803.970 5898.146 -38.020


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mt3d_smp.dat Field nodal data file (first column is not needed so offset = 1, 2, etc.). This file contains the calculated data from the model. In this example, the first column is the node number and is not needed in the file (so we offset to skip over it during reading).

Note: numerous lines were dropped from this example file to keep it small.

The text below is from the file: mt3d_smp.dat

1 .890 .000 19.1 0 6.28 15.0 .250 .000 .000 .000 .535E-02 .000

2 .890 .000 19.6 0 6.37 15.0 .250 .000 .000 -.271E-02 .425E-02 .000

3 .895 .000 20.6 0 6.58 15.0 .250 .000 .000 -.271E-02 .817E-02 .000

4 .900 .000 21.2 0 6.94 15.0 .250 .000 .000 .000 .774E-02 .000

5 .900 .000 21.2 0 7.58 15.0 .250 .401E-41 .000 -.247E-02 .672E-02 .000

6 .905 .000 21.3 0 8.16 15.0 .250 .811E-37 .000 -.487E-02 .897E-02 .000

7 .915 .000 21.9 0 8.81 15.0 .250 .532E-33 .000 -.470E-02 .101E-01 .000

8 .925 .000 22.0 0 9.42 15.0 .250 .217E-29 .000 -.452E-02 .107E-01 .000

9 .935 .000 22.1 0 9.92 15.0 .250 .000 .000 -.445E-02 .108E-01 .000

10 .945 .000 22.6 0 10.1 15.0 .250 .122E-21 .000 -.718E-02 .116E-01 .000





12638 .264 .406 2.36 4 -40.9 1.00 .100E-05 .124E-20 .000 .223E-02 -.549E-03 .905E-03

12639 .218 .456 2.37 4 -41.2 1.00 .100E-05 .111E-18 .000 .248E-02 -.791E-03 .836E-03

12640 .165 .513 2.42 4 -41.2 1.00 .100E-05 .726E-15 .000 .275E-02 -.111E-02 .123E-02

12641 .107 .573 2.51 4 -41.0 1.00 .100E-05 .484E-12 .000 .304E-02 -.153E-02 .147E-02

12642 .409E-01 .643 2.57 4 -40.7 1.00 .100E-05 .129E-09 .000 .340E-02 -.208E-02 .165E-02

12643 -.354E-01 .724 2.80 4 -39.8 1.00 .100E-05 .103E-07 .000 .373E-02 -.281E-02 -.490E-03

12644 -.123 .818 2.92 4 -39.2 1.00 .100E-05 .325E-06 .000 .388E-02 -.376E-02 -.452E-02

12645 -.218 .919 2.85 4 -39.3 1.00 .100E-05 .282E-05 -.331E-04 .374E-02 -.490E-02 -.813E-02

12646 -.311 1.02 2.84 4 -38.9 1.00 .100E-05 .122E-04 -.325E-03 .323E-02 -.613E-02 -.112E-01

12647 -.397 1.11 2.79 4 -38.7 1.00 .100E-05 .221E-04 -.814E-03 .260E-02 -.744E-02 -.127E-01

12648 -.466 1.19 2.68 4 -38.4 1.00 .100E-05 .337E-04 -.132E-02 .152E-02 -.838E-02 -.177E-01


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