
General Module Function

The Explode and Scale module is used to separate (or explode) and apply a scaling factor to the vertical dimension (z-coordinate) of geologic layers in a model. Explode and Scale can also translate the geologic layers in the z-coordinate direction, and can control the visibility of individual geologic layers.

Module Input Ports

Explode and Scale has three input ports.

  1. The first (leftmost) accepts mesh and nodal data from Krig_3D, Read_UCD and 3D_Geology_Map. Input to this port must contain a UCD mesh and specific nodal data components.

  2. The second input port accepts an explode factor, which specifies the distance that the geologic layer bottoms and tops will be separated.

  3. The third input port (furthest right) accepts a scaling factor, which specifies the multiplication factor that the z-coordinates of the mesh nodes will be scaled by.

Note that the explode and scale factors can be passed to Explode_and_Scale, (from another Explode_and_Scale nodule) or the user can input them in the control panel if no factors are being applied to other modules in the network. Explode_and_Scale will report errors if the input data does not have geologic layer data for the fourth component (#3, #0 is first) and elevation data for the fifth component.

Module Output Ports

Explode_and_Scale has three output ports.

  1. The first (closest to the left) outputs the explode factor that was input or passed to the module

  2. The second (middle) port outputs the scaling factor. The first two ports can be connected to the post_samples and other Explode_and_Scale modules, to provide the factors being used by Explode_and_Scale.

  3. The third output port passes the exploded and scaled data field, for input to other modules such as Generate Axes and Geologic Surface.

Remember that the values of the nodal data components are not affected by Explode_and_Scale, only the z-coordinates of the node positions are.

Module Control Panel

The control panel of Explode and Scale is shown in the figure above. There are five fields available for type in input:

Explode By: determines what information is used to explode the layers or materials.  

Under the Geologic Layers heading:

Issues and Notes:


The example below shows the Viewer for the Explode_and_Scale settings show above with the data set used in Workbook 4.



The images below show the Explode_and_Scale window and resulting model for a 10 material (material IDs 0 to 9) Adaptive Indicator Geology model.



Since we are exploding from Indicator 6 through 8, the materials 0 through 5 are not exploded, materials 6 & 7 are separate and materials 8 through 11 are grouped together at the bottom.  The model is in 4 groups, two more groups than the Explode Ends minus Explode Begins.




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