

General Module Function

This module is only available in MVS.

The write_VRML module is able to output most graphics objects in the Viewer to a VRML-formatted file.

VRML is a network transparent protocol for communicating 3D graphics over the World Wide Web. It has fallen out of favor on the web, though it is still a standard for 3D model output.

We provide VRML output for two primary purposes:

  1. Export of 3D models for conversion to 3D PDF
  2. Export of 3D models for 3D Printing

Known Issues

Module Input Ports

write_VRML has one purple input port which connects to the viewer.

Module Output Ports



Module Control Panel

The write_VRML module captures the contents of the view and writes graphics primitives to a VRML-formatted file. The module contains a user interface shown above. A description of the various options follows:

The Select VRML File button allows you to enter the name of the output file to be created. The user may browse to the desired path and/or file via a browse button.

Output Optimization provides three options to improve output for the specified target use:

The Accept Values button outputs the VRML file.

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