General Module Function
The create_grid module produces a 2D or 3D uniform grid that can be used for any purpose, however the primary application is as starting points for streamlines or advector. In 2D (default) mode it creates a rectangle of user adjustable grid resolution and orientation. In 3D mode it creates a box (3D grid of nodes).
Module Input Ports
create_grid has one input port which accepts any 3D mesh data. The purpose of this input is to help place your grid in the spatial extent of your existing model.
Module Output Ports
create_grid has two output ports. The first port passes a 2D mesh representing the plane The second port passes the renderable geometry to the viewer.
Module Control Panel
The user interface for create_grid consists of numerous sliders for manipulation of the resulting grid's spatial extent and orientation.
The X, Y and Z Resolution sliders control the number of the nodes in the x-y-z directions of the grid. The Z Resolution slider is not visible unless you press the Make3D button as shown below.
The Azimuth and Inclination sliders control the grid orientation.
The X, Y and Z Center sliders control the position of the grid.
The I, J and K Size sliders control the size of the grid in the x, y, and z directions (before rotations).
The Immediate toggle makes all sliders immediate.
Related Modules
-> Streamlines
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