

This is a deprecated module. The ability to output a text string from the Az_El panel which has all view information combined with the Titles modulesupersedesthis module's functionality with the old Animator.

General Module Function

The View_Title module may only be activated through use of the animator module. Posting a title in the viewer when NOT using animator is accomplished with the Titles module. The View_Title module connects to the blue/red port on the Viewer (as does Titles and Color_Legend). The toggle for View_Title must be checked in the animator to activate this module. By using the blue/red port, the text is not moved or transformed by Viewer transformations and is positioned using sliders in the View_Title user interface. The main function of this module is to post a continuously updating Azimuth, Elevation and Scale value reflecting viewer transformations during an animation.

Module Input Ports

The string to be rendered.

Module Output Ports

Titles has only one output port. This port outputs labels to the Viewer.


Module Control Panel

The control panel for View_Title is identical to the Titles module interface. However, this module functions only as a result of animator activation. The positioning of the text is controlled by the control panel, but the text content is controlled by the type-in fields for the animator view titles box. See the animator help section for details of this function.

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