General Module Function
The Save_EVS_Field module creates a file in one of 5 different formats containing all the mesh and nodal and/or cell data component information sent to the input port.
This module is useful for writing the output of modules which manipulate or interpolate data (Krig_3D , Krig_2D , etc.) so that the data will not need to be processed in the future. The processed data can be read using Load_EVS_Field, which is much faster than reprocessing the data.
For a description of the .EFF file formats click here.
Save_EVS_Field supplants the need for Write_UCD, Write_netCDF and Write_EVS_Geology by incorporating all of their functionality and more in a single module. It saves (writes) a dataset in any of five different EVS/MVS compatible file formats, including the new EVS Field Formats:
1) .eff ASCII format, best if you want to be able to open the file in an editor or print it
2) .efz GNU Zip compressed ASCII, same as .eff but in a zip archive
3) .efb binary compressed format, the smallest & fastest format due to its binary form
The EVS Field Formats *.eff;*.efz;and *.efb support all types of EVS field output including:
1) Uniform fields
2) Geology (from Krig_3D_Geology and Spline_Geology)
3) Structured fields (such as irregular fields read in from Read_Field)
4) Unstructured Cell Data (UCD format) general grids with nodal and/or cell data
5) Special fields containing spheres (which are points with radii)
6) Special fields containing color data (such as from Read_DXF)
Note: Because the .eff, .efz and .efb formats better handle all types of EVS/MVS output, these three formats are recommended for use over UCD, netCDF or Field.
Module Input Ports
The Save_EVS_Field module is shown above.
The module's first input port (the leftmost one) accepts any mesh with optional nodal and/or cell data.
This port (Brown-Grey-Light Brown-Beige) receives geology info from those modules that output geologic data (Krig_3D_Geology or Spline_Geology).
The third port accepts a string that will be saved in the file as notes. These notes are used to describe the content of the file, but are not necessary for the file to be loaded.
Module Output Ports
Save_EVS_Field has no output ports.
Module Control Panel
The Save_EVS_Field control panel is shown above.
Clicking on the Save_EVS_Field’s Write File button opens a standard windows file browser. The filename and location can be specified in this browser. The suffix selected determines the format in which the field will be saved. The supported suffixes are *.eff;*.efz;*.efb;*.inp; and *.cdf.
There are also three options with the following meaning:
1) Split into Multiple Output Files: Splits the output into separate files. The corresponding .EFF or .EFZ file will only contain the tag information (see below). Any required nodes, data, or connectivity will be written into separate files.
2) Force Node Data in Output: Causes the field definition to always contain Node_Data. If this is off, and there are no node data components, a simpler, Mesh-Only style field will be saved. However, when you load those fields into EVS, many modules will not work correctly with them. This will cause a mesh like that to save as a Mesh+Node_Data (with 0 data components), which will allow many modules to work with this data.
3) Force Cell Data in Output: Same as above, but with cell data. Very few modules require cell data, so this is not on by default, but is provided as an option.
The window below these options contains the string of notes that will be inserted into the saved file. These notes do not affect the processing of the file in any way, and are there for the sole purpose of providing a description of the file contents.
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